Good morning.Good morning. How can I help you?
- 早上好!早上好,有什么可以帮到您?
I understand that the school organises … umm, trips to different…
- 我了解到学校有组织去不同地方的旅行……
Yes, we run five every month: three during weekends and two Wednesday afternoon trips.
- 是的,我们每月共有五次,3次周末出发,2次周三下午出发。
What sort of places?
- 都去些什么地方呢?
Well, obviously it varies, but always places of historical interest and also which offer a variety of shopping, because our students always ask about that.
- 嗯,很多地方,但是都基本上是历史古迹。还有一系列购物点,因为学生总是咨询这些信息。
and then we go for ones where we know there are guided tours, because this gives a good focus for the visit.
- 我们会去有导游解说的地点,因为这样更有针对性。
Do you travel far?
- 去的地方远吗?
Well, we’re lucky here, obviously, because we’re able to say that all our visits are less than three hours drive.
- 嗯,我们显然是比较幸运的,可以这么说吧,我们的旅行团车程少于3小时。
How much do they cost?
- 价钱多少呢?
Again it varies between five and fifteen pounds a head, depending on distance. Ah ha …
- 这要看具体旅游团,根据距离的差异,每人五到十五镑之间。啊…这样。
Oh,and we do offer to arrange special trips if,you know, there are more than twelve people.
- 哦,还有如果你们超过12人,我们可以提供定制旅行团。
Oh right,I’ll keep that in mind. And what are the times normally?
- 那好,我记住了。通常什么时间出发呢?
We try to keep it pretty fixed so that, that students get to know the pattern.
- 我们尽量固定时间,好让学生知道我们的出团模式。
We leave at eight-thirty a.m. and return at six p.m.
- 我们早上八点半出发,下午六点回程。
We figure it’s best to keep the day fairly short.
- 我们觉得最好还是短途的。
Oh yes. And how do we reserve a place?
- 哦,对,那我们怎么预订呢?
You sign your name on the notice board.
- 在公告栏上签名就好。
Do you know where it is?
- 你知道在哪里吗?
Ah ha. I saw it this morning.
- 嗯,我今天早上看到了。
And we do ask that you sign up three days in advance so we know we’ve got enough people interested to run it,
- 我们要求提前三天签名,这样我们就能统计感兴趣的人数了。
and we can cancel if necessary, with full refund of course.That’s fine, thanks.
- 如果有必要我们会取消发团,当然报名费会全额退款。那好,谢谢!
And what visits are planned for this term?
- 这个学期有什么出团安排呢?
Right, well I’m afraid the schedule hasn’t been printed out yet,
- 对,我估计这个学期的计划表还没打印出来。
but we have confirmed the dates and planned the optional extra visits which you can also book in
advance if you want to.
- 但是我们已经确认好出团日期以及计划好额外的旅行团,如果你想提前预定也可以。
Oh that’s all right. If you can just give some idea of the weekend ones so I can, you know, work out when to see friends, such as….
- 哦,那可以,如果你能先给我周末的出团信息,这样我就好安排什么时候见朋友等等。
Oh sure. Well, the first one is St Ives. That’s on the thirteenth of February and we’ll have only sixteen places available ‘cos we’re going by minibus.
- 哦,没问题!第一个是2月13号去圣艾夫斯,我们只有16空位,因为我们是坐小巴去。
And that’s a day in town with the optional extra of visiting the Hepworth Museum. Oh right. yeah,that soundsgood.
- 这个团是小镇一日游,可额外选择参观海浦沃斯博物馆。好啊,这个听起来不错。
Then there’s a London trip on the sixteenth of February and we’ll be taking a medium-sized coach so there’llbe forty-five places on that,
- 然后2月16号还有一个伦敦游团,我们坐中型客车,所以那上面有45个位置。
and, let’s see,the optional extra is the Tower of London.
- 让我看看,这个团可额外选择参观伦敦塔。
Oh, I’ve already been there.
- 哦,我已经去过那儿了。
After that there’s Bristol on the third of March. Where? Bristol… B-R-l-S-T-O-L. OK.
- 呃,这个团之后是3月3号布里斯托团。哪儿?布里斯托,B-R-I-S-T-O-L.好的。
That’s in a different minibus with eighteen places available, oh, and the optional extra is a visit to the S.S. Great Britain. OK …
- 那是乘坐有18个座位的另一种小巴。可额外选择参观大不列颠号。好吧。
We’re going to Salisbury on the eighteenth of March and that’s always a popular one because the optional extra is Stonehenge, so we’re taking the large coach with fifty seats. Oh good.
- 3月18号是索尔兹伯里的团,这个团很受欢迎,因为可以额外选择参观巨石阵。所以我们会乘坐50人的大巴车。哦,很好啊。
And then the last one is to Bath on the tweniy-third of March.
- 最后一个是3月23号去巴斯。
Oh yes. Is Bath the Roman city?
- 是吗,巴斯是那个罗马城市吗?
Yes, that’s right, and that’s in the sixteen-seater minibus.
- 对啊。这个会坐16座的小巴。
And where’s the optional visit?
- 额外景点是?
It’s to the American Museum - well worth a visit.
- 是去美国博物馆,那是个很值得去的景点。
OK, well that’s great, thanks for all that.
- 好的,真好,谢谢你啊。
My pleasure. By the way, if you want more information about any of the trips,have a look in the student newspaper. OK.
- 不客气。顺便说下,如果想了解更多旅行团信息,你可以浏览学生报。好。
Or, have a word with my assistant; her name is Jane Yentob - that’s Y-E-N-T-O-B.
- 或者可以问下我助手,她叫简·严拓,就是YENTOB。
Right, I’ve got thau Thank you very much for all your help.
- 好,我知道了。非常感谢你的帮助。
You’re very welcome. I hope you enjoy the trips.
- 不客气,希望你旅途愉快。
Now I’m going to give you a plan of the site
- 现在我给大家介绍下分布图,
and I’d just like to point out where everything is and then you can lake a look at everything for yourself.
- 告诉大家具体位置,然后你们可以自行参观。
I’ve already pointed out the river, which is on the left.
- 我之前已经指出河在左边。
And of course, running along the bottom is Woodside Road,
- 当然沿河到底是Woodside路。
Got it? OK. Now we’re standing at the entrance^
- 明白吗?现在我们所在的位置是入口。
see it at the bottom, and immediately to our right is the Ticket Office.
- 看,在图的最底下。右手边就是售票处。
You won’t need that because you’ve got your group booking, but just past it are the toilets - always good toknow where they are.
- 你们是团购,所以不需理会售票处。过了售票处就是厕所,提前知道总是好的。
In front of us is the car park, as you can see, and to the left, by the entry gate is the Gift Shop.
- 在我们前方是停车场,它左边就是礼品店的入口。
That’s where you can get copies of the guide, like this one here.
- 在那可以买到像这本一样的引导手册。
Now, beyond the car park all the buildings are arranged in a half circle with a yard in the middle.
- 现在看到停车场前面,所有的建筑物都是以中间的庭院为中心,呈半圆型分布。
The big, stone building at the top is the main Workshop.
- 最顶的那个大石头建筑就是主要的作坊。
That’s where the furnace is and where all the metal was smelted and the tools were cast, as you’ll be able to see.
- 炼铁炉就在这里,所有的金属在这熔炼,工具也在这铸造,后面你可以看到。
Now, in the top right-hand coner, that building with bigger windows is the Showroom,
- 现在看到右上角,那个窗户稍大的建筑就是展示厅。
where samples of all the tools that were made through the ages are on display.
- 那个时期所锻造的工具样本都在那展出。
In the top left coner is the Grinding Shop, where the tools were sharpened and finished.
- 在左上角是打磨作坊,所有工具在那进行磨尖和完成。
And on one side of that you can see the Engine Room
- 在打磨作坊的一边是引擎房,
and on the other is the Cafe. which isn’t an antique, you’ll be pleased to know, though they do serve very nice old-fashioned teas.
- 另一边就是咖啡厅,咖啡厅不是古董,知道这点你们应该会很开心,尽管咖啡厅供应传统茶饮。
The row of buildings you can see on the left are the cottages.
- 在左边那排建筑是小木屋。
These were built for the workers towards the end of the eighteenth century
- 这些小木屋在18世纪末为工匠们建造,
and they’re still furnished from that period so you can get a good idea of ordinary people’s living conditions.
- 现在依然沿用旧时的布置,所以你可以很一目了然的知道当时人们的居住环境。
Across the yard from them, you can see the stables where the horses were kept for transporting the products.
- 穿过庭院就是马厩。负责运送货物的马匹都饲养在这。
And the separate building in front of them is the Works Office and that-still has some of the old accounts on display.
- 马厩前的独立建筑是事务办公室。这里依然有一些老账户本展出。
Right, if anyone wants a guided tour then I’m starting at the Engine Room.
- 好了,如果有人需要导游陪同参观,我会从引擎房开始讲解。
If you’d like to come along, this way please, ladies and gentlemen.
- 请跟我来,女士们先生们。